There are multiple organisations around Australia that represent the interests of the seafood industry.
Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) is the national peak-body representing the Australian seafood industry as a whole. With members from the wildcatch, aquaculture and post-harvest sectors of the Australian seafood industry, we are the voice of Australian seafood.
There are multiple state and federal bodies and also individual local areas and sector representative groups. Many of these are listed below and alongside that what activities they conduct in the area of workplace health and safety.
Following industry and community research, SIA developed “Our Pledge”, a commitment from the Australian seafood industry to the people of Australia. “Our Pledge” responds to issues the community identified as important, presenting the seafood industry’s actions, position and perspective. A key component to the Pledge is safety.
Click here for the SIA pledge:
Many state and sector bodies have existing or planned workplace health and safety programs.
The links to each main state group are shown below.
Latest news from each state or territory can be found in News and Media.